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Infant Class 


We Know that it is not easy to leave your little one each morning. Having confidence that your child is being well cared for helps ease your mind. We strive to accommodate your child's uniqueness by providing individual, personalized attention and love. Your baby will be given plenty of opportunity to develop social and physical skills by interacting with others. Pictures, mobiles, music,  and toys will be used to stimulate intellectual and motor skills. Our emphasis is on trust, security and happiness.

Each day your child will be discovering things using all five senses, copying simple actions of the people around them, experimenting with toy instruments, exploring textures, colors, and learning a variety of words and sounds through playing with other children.


Toddler Classes            * Toddles (1's)             *Toddler Twos


To a toddler, the world is full of new things to be explored and conquered. Our program is designed to help your toddler develop through various play opportunities. Some of these will be teacher directed, others will be the toddler's free choice. We encourage your toddler to grow and explore at his/her own rate. We strive to respect each child's individuality. Toddlers will be surrounded with age appropriate toys and activities, stories, songs and lots of love and individual attention.

During their time with us your child will learn to count, discover writing and  music, and start building toward following simple instructions, writing, and the potty. 

Preschool / Prekindergarten Class

Preschoolers (3-5 years)
Preschoolers love to learn and are brimming with questions and are curious about the world around them.  The key to learning is a good attitude, and the key to a good attitude is a well rounded diet, rest, and REALationships! Our program is filled with fun activities and we understand that children learn best by doing. Our curriculum is theme-based with a special emphasis on pre-reading writing skills and basic kindergarten preparation. We will provide educational toys, activities.  Plenty of time will be provided for free play, both indoors and out, along with quiet time, songs and stories. The spiritual growth of each child will be nurtured daily with simple Bible stories, mealtime prayers and other Bible activities.

Our time with your child will include learning and social opportunities like simple addition and subtraction and science, movement and imaginative play with props and dress-up clothes. Much of this will include group play where your child will make friends and learn cooperation and taking turns.


Preschool Ages 3-4yrs                Prekindergarten Ages 4-5yrs  

Summer / School Break Program

Summer Time!

In the summer we maintain a routine schedule, with added activities and field trips depending on age.


School Age Summer Program

Our fresh and exciting summer themed curriculum is jam-packed with fun and learning to delight and engage your kids, including a new adventure every week! Count on our center for safe and reliable care as your kids explore fun and enriching indoor and outdoor activities, take part in special field trips, and enjoy healthy meals.  Each day your school age child will have the opportunity to work on continued education.  Keeping up with their reading and writing skills will help alleviate the summer lag when going back to school in the fall.  



      Extra Programs      

Fun with Food -  

Food is fun and messy. Cooking teaches children science, language, motor skills, and social skills. In addition, Fun with Food cooking classes will give your child a deeper understanding of what they eat and help them develop healthy eating habits.


Music - 

Our Little Treasures incorporates music and movement in our everyday activities.

I am seeking a professional to teach a specific music class, to help children understand the different aspects of music. Teaching rhythm, pitch, notation, and symbols while stimulating a child's right and left brain.  


Art / Science / Sensory Exploration Room - 

  We provide a plethora of different safe, non-toxic materials to explore and discover.


Chapel - 

Chapel time will be once a week and will consist of music and a Bible Story.


Tumble Bus -

Gymnastics comes to our doors every week.  It is affordable fun and good exercise while learning skills. 
(Tumble Bus is optoinal and is billed seperately through Just Gymnastics)

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